
Invest in Nidino

Nidino creates a solution for a better balance between work and family in the form of a profit-oriented company.

The right time is now:

There are over 7000 childcare places missing across Switzerland

Operating costs and lack of space make new daycare centers difficult

First Mover: There is no digitalized provider of childminders

Proof of concept: International providers are paving the way

The National Council wants to fund childcare with CHF 710 million

Experienced founding team with many years of startup experience

Die steigende Nachfrage nach flexiblen und bezahlbaren Betreuungsplätzen macht Nidino zur idealen Lösung. Durch die Disruption von Tagesfamilien schliesst Nidino die Lücke, die herkömmliche Betreuungssysteme nicht füllen können, und bietet Investoren die Chance, von diesem wachsenden Markt zu profitieren.


Book an appointment

Find out more about Nidino and how we can redesign childcare in a personal conversation.

Let us shape the future together!

Unser Fundraising-Team

Christian Meyer

Co-Founder & Co-CEO

Alejandra Abad

Freelance Fundraising Partner

Why should you support Nidino?

Hear directly from our Board of Directors and a committed angel investor why they believe in the strength of our mission and what sets us apart from others