7 tips for cool summer days

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Summer is here and we hope you'll find plenty of opportunities to have fun outside. But we know it can be difficult to protect young children from UV rays (and keep a hat on your head!) — Here are our top tips so that your little ones can have fun without overheating.

1. Stay hydrated

Water is always important, especially when the thermometer rises high. Think of drinks, but frozen lollipops are also a hit.

2. Sun protection

Make sure kids always wear sunscreen and hats to protect their face, ears, and necks.

3. Have a siesta

Avoid direct sunlight — especially during the hottest time of day, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. It is not without reason that people in Spain take a siesta.

4. Frozen hot water bottle

Freeze a hot water bottle and place it in your beds an hour before bed to cool the sheets (also remember to remove them five minutes before bed). Plush toys and pillows retain heat and should be removed from the crib on particularly hot nights.

6. Splash in the pool

Fill up a small paddling pool for fun and cooling off. Don't forget to provide shade with a canopy, gazebo or parasol and supervise the children at all times. You can also imitate this method by taking a cool bath before bed.

7. Create shade and heat protection

Shadows are your friend. Remember to cover the stroller with a towel. Close blinds and curtains during the day to keep the kids cool in the home.

8. Explore a nearby forest or park

When temperatures are hot, you can cool off with children in the forest or park nearby. The trees provide shade and thus ensure somewhat cooler temperatures.