5 benefits of childminders

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The challenges of modern families are manifold. One of the central questions concerns the appropriate care for our little ones when parents are working or have other obligations. In this context, daycare centers and day families are available as two promising models of care. In this blog post, we take a closer look at the benefits of day families compared to traditional daycare centers.

1. Individual attention

In a day family, children are cared for in a small group of a maximum of 5 children, which enables particularly intensive and individual care. In contrast, group sizes in daycare centers range between 10-20 children. This personal attention can be crucial, particularly for shy or younger toddlers. The smaller groups also mean that the risk of disease transmission is significantly reduced.

2. Flexibility and daily routine

Day families often offer more flexible childcare hours, which can be better adapted to parents' needs. Opening hours in daycare centers often conflict with parents' working hours, as they only offer half or full day care. In addition, care takes place within the day family in a family environment. Children can experience the transition between family and care facilities more gently, from a familiar environment.

3. Expertise and experience

Similar to daycare workers, day families also have special training in childcare. Many childminders are also former daycare providers or have many years of practical experience from their own childcare. In order to join Nidino as a day family, all caregivers must go through a multi-stage review process. In this context, a background check is carried out (criminal record extract, special extract) and professional and personal suitability is checked.

4. Continuity of the caregiver

The family-like care situation in day families offers children maximum stability and continuity — this is particularly important for young children. The situation is often different in daycare centers, where a team of supervisors is responsible for a group and there is often a change of caregivers due to internships and trainees or dismissals.

5. Individual pricing

In contrast to day families, where care is billed on an hourly basis, daycare centers only have fixed prices for half or full day care. It doesn't matter whether it took 8 or 10 hours. In the case of day families, on the other hand, only those hours that have actually been used must be paid. As a result, this care option tends to be cheaper.


The decision between a day family and daycare center depends on individual needs. While daycare centers offer many benefits, day families can be a model that is particularly suitable for parents who want close ties and individual care for their children.

Regardless of the type of care chosen, it is crucial that parents feel comfortable and safe. So do your research carefully and exchange ideas with other parents to find the ideal solution for your family.