Sarah's Daycare

At Nidino, we connect parents with carefully selected childminders that provide a safe and nurturing environment for children

Zurich Wiedikon

Oasis of peace • Kitchen magician


Starting at CHF 11.90 per hour (subsidies available)


Less than 1 year, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 7+ years


Open year round

Opening Hours

07:30 to 18:00

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About me

I am the mother of two sons aged 6 and 9 and have been caring for children in my daycare for five years. For me, childminding is the ideal model for children of all ages, as it combines security and individual support. I am currently completing my training as a child care specialist and am also continuing my education as a facilitator for childminder. I originally obtained an EFZ as a metal worker, but working with children deeply fulfills me. It is a great gift to accompany children through all seasons and to appreciate their trust and that of their parents.


Oasis of peace

With my composure, empathy and experience, I create a stable and trusting environment for the children and their families.

Kitchen magician

Every day, we create delicious and healthy snacks together — from energy balls to child-friendly muffins to homemade granola or rolls — there are no limits to creativity.

Why I love working with kids

Accompanying children through everyday life and creating lasting memories with them is what makes my work so special. I love being guided by their needs and ideas and building a trusting bond in the process. I like to get up every morning for that.

Childcare times

My daycare is open on Monday and Thursday.

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About my family

Growing up in Kloten and at home in Zurich Wiedikon for what feels like an eternity, we live in a green neighborhood that provides security and a sense of home. Our everyday life is characterized by free spins, togetherness and joint activities. We especially love preparing tasty, healthy and vegetarian treats together — and of course enjoying them!


Our small but nice 4.5 room apartment is a paradise for children, big or small. There are cozy retreats and a playroom that invites you to build brio track works of art or Duplo towers. The large dining table is the centerpiece for shared meals and creative masterpieces — whether it's painting, puzzling or making bracelets. We go outside at least once a day, either on the large lawn with a playground right in front of our house or on one of the many nearby playgrounds.

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Das sagen zufriedene Eltern

Sarah ist eine wahre Perle. Ich kann nicht zählen, wie oft sie uns mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stand und meinen Sohn sogar notfallmässig betreut hat, als ich ins Krankenhaus musste. Ich vertraue ihr zu 100 % und weiss, dass mein Sohn nicht nur gut aufgehoben ist, sondern auch gefördert und unterstützt wird – sei es in Bezug auf Feinmotorik, soziale Kompetenzen, Grobmotorik oder emotionale Entwicklung. Sarah und ihre Söhne wurden wichtige Bezugspersonen für ihn, und mittlerweile wird sie sogar zu seinen Geburtstagspartys eingeladen.

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Verified by Nidino

All Nidino daycares go through strict background checks,

Background Check

Ensuring that there are no criminal record entries in the entire household

Verified Personally

Personally vetted and regularly inspected by Nidino on site

House Inspection

Ensuring that the home is completely child-friendly

Nidino in Comparison

Compared to other options, Nidino offers individualized and family-like childcare





Fair prices
Subsidised hours
Comprehensively vetted
Family-like environment
Extended childcare hours
Educational concept
Flexible childcare
Low children to caregivers ratios